The Bible says that Jesus came for the poor, the weak, the needy, the submitted and the man who is willing to give up control of his life.

But I grew up in a country that has taught me the exact opposite. America says that I am supposed to make sure I am not poor, not broken, not needy, in charge and in control of everything in my life. I am supposed to make a lot of money and and build up a trust fund so that I don't have to rely on anyone else.

So that's what this blog is about... it's about the hope of a community working through the balance of self and selflessness. It's about a Lexus or a Honda... faith or control... 401K or giving... God or the American dream? It's about honesty... it's about you reading this and thinking about it... responding and figuring this life out with me. So please join me by clicking the follow button right below my picture...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

him..... ME

I know You love me... I love me too
I know You're here... but I'm good on my own
You died for me... I won't die for awhile though
You're Christ...I'm a Christian
You said do this... I ask why
You want my time... time is money
You want my thoughts... I've got a lot on my mind
You're patient with me... I get pissed at stop lights
You want my life... I go to church on sundays
It's all about You... It's all about me
I read my Bible for 20 minutes... I lift weights for an hour
I told you I would talk to you tonight... but the Office is on
I see the homeless... I eat four meals a day
You say to give... I take
You were selfless... I am selfish
I give you my life... I take it back
I put money in the offering... I spend 50 bucks on jeans
I see the swollen-bellied African kids... I hope mine go to Harvard
I'm a saint... I'm a coward
I care about their eternity... but not really
I know they need you... I need friends
You want me out of my comfort zone... I'd rather stay put
You want me to witness... not just LeBron
You want surrender... I'm not ready
I'm a Christian... I'm a hypocrite
I love you... I love me

Monday, September 20, 2010


Sorry it's been so long... I kinda got consumed my all of my final exams and stuff these last few weeks, but I got through them all and I wanted to get back on my blog. I was reading though 2 Timothy tonight and I came across this verse:

2 Timothy, 3:12 - "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted."

I just thought about this verse for a little bit and I am still thinking about it actually... and I wanted some of you guys to think about it. If I'm not being persecuted, am I living a godly life in Christ? Are you?